Bayesian A/B Test
Based on the lecture “Bayesian Modeling (2024-1)” by Prof. Yeo Jin Chung, Dept. of AI, Big Data & Management, College of Business Administration, Kookmin Univ.
Based on the lecture “Bayesian Modeling (2024-1)” by Prof. Yeo Jin Chung, Dept. of AI, Big Data & Management, College of Business Administration, Kookmin Univ.
Based on the lecture “Bayesian Modeling (2024-1)” by Prof. Yeo Jin Chung, Dept. of AI, Big Data & Management, College of Business Administration, Kookmin Univ.
Stein Method Stein Operator 테스트 함수 $f(x)$ 를 확률 분포 $p(x)$ 의 구조가 반영된 형태로 변환하는 연산자로서, $x$ 의 변화에 따른 $f(x)$ 의 변화율를 측정하고, 그 변화를 $x$ 가 발생할 가능성이 반영된 형태로 조정하는 방식으로 동작함 [\begin{aligned} \mathcal{T}{p...
Information Theory 정보이론(Information Theory) : 신호에 존재하는 정보의 양을 측정하는 이론으로서, 특정 확률분포의 특성을 알아내거나, 두 확률분포 간 유사성을 정량화하는 데 사용함 Information Gain Shannon’s Information Theory Principles ...
<ul type="square"> <li><strong>Title</strong>: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-020-02049-9"><code>Variational autoencoder Bayesian matrix factorization for collaborative filtering</code></a...
Based on the lecture “Bayesian Modeling (2024-1)” by Prof. Yeo Jin Chung, Dept. of AI, Big Data & Management, College of Business Administration, Kookmin Univ.
Based on the lecture “Bayesian Modeling (2024-1)” by Prof. Yeo Jin Chung, Dept. of AI, Big Data & Management, College of Business Administration, Kookmin Univ.
Based on the lecture “Bayesian Modeling (2024-1)” by Prof. Yeo Jin Chung, Dept. of AI, Big Data & Management, College of Business Administration, Kookmin Univ.
Based on the following lectures <br> (1) “Statistics (2018-1)” by Prof. Sang Ah Lee, Dept. of Economics, College of Economics & Commerce, Kookmin Univ. <br> (2) “Intro. to Machine Learning (2023-2)...
Based on the following lectures <br> (1) “Statistics (2018-1)” by Prof. Sang Ah Lee, Dept. of Economics, College of Economics & Commerce, Kookmin Univ. <br> (2) “Intro. to Machine Learning (2023-2)...